Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trash Management

Well Hello! Holidays were infinite, but here we are again. Today I want to talk about the management of the trash in Chile, or at least, what I know about it, because this is a problem that is affecting us now.

The average weight of trash a person produces in Chile is 1 kilo per day, which means that we all produce 17 million kilograms (or 17.000 tons) of trash per day!! I think that´s too much, because all that volume of trash goes to landfills, and all they do is accumulate. Imagine all the trash Chilean produce per year, and add to it the million tons that were left before. So yes, we produce a lot of trash.

In some countries, the trash is recycled so people do all the job of separating it, and there are companies that collect it by its interest and industries that process all kinds of waste. I think this is the solution, not just for Chile, but for the world: recycling trash.

The first thing that needs to be done, is change people´s mind, which is the most difficult part. I think there are 3 Rs that can help about this fact: we could reduce the amount of trash we produce by choosing less packed products, buying in bulk and using rechargeable batteries. We can reuse some waste by, for example buying returnable caontainers and not throwing away old clothes. We can recycle not just by separating the glass and plastics, but doing recycled paper in our house or composted plant residues.

So, let´s apply this and tell our friends and family, so we can reduce trash and help our world a little bit. Best wishes! Bye


  1. I totally agree with you in everything Fede, except for the fact that Holidays were infinite! jaja Kisses :)

  2. Wow, i didn't know that we produce 1 kg of trash per day, is a huge amount of waste. I agree that the use of the three R are a very useful tool.
