Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My future job

Hello! So, today I´m gonna talk about the dream job I´d like to have when I get my degree. It´s really difficult choosing THE job, because my career (Renewable Natural Resources Engineering) is so wide and unspecific and it has so many points of view and topics. I think I´d like to work doing projects about one of the topics I most like, which are: Global Warming, Transgenics and Recycling, and the job would be so much better if I could work with those three themes. Maybe a Municipality would do fine, or I could also work in a private company, but I´d prefer to do good and help people rather than working for a private that the only thing that cares is money.

The job I´m thinking would be a mix of indoor and outdoor job, working in the office to make the projects, but also going out to study the places (for example, for Recycling), the crops and orchards (for the Transgenics study) and the entire World and its diverse ecosystems for the treatment of Global Warming; and I would like to travel a lot with my job. So, my dream job would have the best of both worlds. 

I haven´t thought already about studying a major. I actually haven´t thought about the thesis I wanna do, but it would be about one of the topics I mentioned before, mostly about Global Warming, because it envolves the other two.

Thanks for reading! Best wishes :)


  1. Without any doubts, your life is gonna be related to some public issues, not a private company. Good luck with that, Fede!

  2. I found really valuable your concern about people, and I admire you for that! So, I wish you have the best luck Fede! :)
