Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Hi! Have you ever heard about GMOs? I don´t know much about it myself, but in my career its a widely used topic. A Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is a living animal or plant that has been modified by inserting a gen or several genes from different species by using genetic engineering; these genes have the important characteristics that modify the species into GMOs. As far as I know, GMOs are widely used, from improving some plant characteristics to make them resistant to plagues, to produce pharmaceutical drugs and (somo teacher told me this) to produce polymers. 

In my opinion, transgenics are bad, they are not natural. Some causes to produce them were that GMOs were going to cure hunger and help poor people, but the producers are obviously not giving the GMO food to poor people and the prices did not decline. On the other hand, I know that in our planet now live 7.000 million people and we all eat, drink, consume and use up the goods the Earth gives us, so -wrongly thought- there had to be an improvement in food to feed everybody. But this is not the way. We throw food to the garbage, we are using up the soil, we are exploiting other people to make cheaper clothes, we are thirsty for money, we are not seeing that our Earth -our home- is in danger.

I really like the theme of GMO´s, specially when there´s a debate about it, so everybody can understand the good and the bad side of them. I really don´t know whether they improve or destroy life, but that´s the only thing we are sure of: WE DON´T KNOW. So why are we using them like if there´s no harm in it?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, the GMOs don't help poor people, i think the problem of hunger is socioeconomics problems more that the number of food we can produce. We have to use the resources like the soil and water better.
