Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How green are you?

I´ve thinking what´s the meaning of being green. Have you ever wondered? It´s a difficult definition because nobody really knows what is the "good" thing to do, but I think that to be green involves being friendly with the environment, doing things like recycling, use your bike instead of motor vehicles, preserv biodiversity, maybe being vegetarian, and having your own orchard, which is the most difficult I think.

So, definitely I´m not green. The only thing I do about it, is recycle, and I don´t do it properly. I think I might be helping to preserv biodiversity by studying something related with environmental practices, but I´m just studying it, I´m not helping it. And I wish I was vegetarian, but It´s really difficult! I admire the ones that can do it. And when I have my own house, I would like to have an orchard and that my work is close to my house, so I can go walking or by bike. But now I´m not green.

I think is difficult to be completely green, because we don´t learn it at school or university. We have a remote idea of what we have to do, like plant a tree or not throwing trash to the street. But let´s be honest, that´s not going to help Earth to recover from all the polution we have done. The thing to be done is teach environmental practices at schools, so they learn and the may teach it to their children when they grow up. We need a change in everybody´s mind and attitude, so...


  1. Right Fede, but I think society is in the correct way, keep your faith!

  2. It`s difficult to be 100% green, we do a lot of things that don`t help environment but we have to continue working for it.
