Tuesday, October 21, 2014

English Language Challenges

Hello, this is the last post of my blog! I really like to write in here, sometimes the subjects were difficult and I had to research a little, but it was nice. I think English Class is very important to me, because I really like languages and I enjoy learning about them, and I think it isn´t very difficult to me to learn a language. Of course, I wish I new more languages, like portuguese and french, but that I´ll do in another time.

I think English is very useful because it´s a universal tongue. Unfortunately, I don´t use it very often, but I wish in the future to travel to Southeast Asia and communicate speaking English, although some cousin told me that people there doesn´t use it a lot, but it will be the only way for me to communicate there. I have spoken English everytime I meet a foreign person, which isn´t very often, and when I went to New York, and it was very very useful.

I like to believe that my English is good, but of course there´s always something to learn. I´m failing in vocabulary and in the connection of phrases I think, and the only way to improve in the language is to speak it, so that´s why I took this course. I think it´s difficult to think in English and to express the words in other tongue that is not your birth tongue, so maybe the solution is to go abroad and learn, and I want to do that, but it´ll have to wait until I make my own money.

So, thanks for reading all the stuff that comes out of my head.  Best wishes :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Hello! Today I want to talk about facebook. You know, the website that everyone uses to communicate with friends and people we once met, but also to spy on others people´s life! I have to admit it, the first years I had my facebook profile, I was very fond of it and used it all the time, reaching a point where I was on the profile of some strange person I hadn´t met or seen in my life!

Why is facebook so addictive? I think the reason is that you can spy on people´s life, see their photos and know what they´re doing. But, let´s be honest, everybody posts what is grate or important for them: they say when they´re in a restaurant, when somebody made a journey, when somebody is really happy... So everybody will think that they are so popular and they do grate stuff all the time. 

But it´s not real, it´s an illusion. I remember reading an article about a girl that pretended she had travelled somewhere. She told her family and friends she´d go for some time, so she dissapeared in her apartment, posted photos of her in the place (just a set in her living room or photoshop) and wrote on facebook whenever she was in some new place. And everybody believed it!! And when she told everybody it was fake, they were all like WTF, I saw the photos! 

Now, I use facebook mostly for university stuff and to talk to my friends, but I have to admit I still log in everytime I´m in a computer. I wish I didn´t need it. I admire my boyfriend, who close it because he realized that it´s just a big waste of time.