Saturday, August 30, 2014

Food and Sustainability

Hi! Today I´m gonna talk about Permaculture. This is a science that imitates natural ecosystems, so it can be sustainable farming. To learn more about this science, I watched a video called "7 Food Forests in 7 Minutes with Geoff Lawton" (; in this video he shows the different stages of a crop, but the interesting part is that he uses permaculture to grow it, so at the beginning he has to move the soil and control the crop, but when the crop has grown, he hardly makes effort, because it  selfmaintains except for some soil moving.

This is a very good kind of farming, because it strengthens the growth of the plant itself, without using chemical substances that kill the plagues and exhaust the soil, that the only thing they do is interrupt the natural cycle of the ecosystem.

In Chile, this kind of farming would be so useful to improve the soil and to stop pollution from chemicals like fertilizers and fumigations. But, of course, it would be so difficult to convince the farmers that permaculture is better than agriculture currently used. As Tommy Douglas said: "Courage, my friends; it`s not too late to build a better world".

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A country I´d like to visit

My dream travel would be to go to Asia. The countries I´d like to visit there are China, Vietnam, Indonessia, India, and so many more! But the one I would loooove to go is Thailand. I think it´s such a beautiful and diverse country, with its cities and its wonderful beaches.

I have a friend who went there, and she told me she absolutely loved it and she would go back anytime, because the landscapes are so wonderful. She also told me that everything there is so cheap: the food, the hotels, the clothes, the tours. She said that the only problem was that there are so many tourists. For example, in the beach where was filmed the movie "The Beach" (starring Leonardo Di Caprio), the locals had made tons of tours there so there were so many tourists that you couldn´t move without touching other people.

So, if I go to Southeast Asia, I would stay there for like 2 months at least, just to chill and relax, because there`s so much to see and to do there. I think that, if I go, I will like to stay there forever, because it looks like paradise! Lots of kisses.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The best concert ever

Hi! I`m gonna talk about the best concert I ever attended, and it was when I saw Lana del Rey, singing songs of her album "Born to Die", in the Indie Fun Fest in Santiago. She is an american singer and her style is like a mix of old and new, and she´s so seductive and sexy, I love her!

It was like in November 2013 in the Movistar Arena and I went to see her with a cousin (Stefano, who absolutely loves her more than me) and his cousin (Diego). In this concert more bands played: there was Travis, who I like too, but not as much as I do Lana; Mala Rodriguez and Palma Violets. The last two aren´t much of my taste. I really just bought the ticket to see Lana!

 She`s so cute and I like all her songs, especially the one which name is "Summertime Sadness". The atmosphere in the concert was so good, she gives this kind of calmness and happiness, and a lot of girls were using this flower crown she sometimes uses. I remember I wanted so bad one of this, I thought why it didn´t ocurr to me before. Best wishes and lots of kisses.
